Westridge Golf ClubWHS Handicap Calculator
Par 3 Avg - 3.81
Par 4 Avg - 5.04
Par 5 Avg - 6.35
You can now sort the results below by clicking on gross, nett or stableford
Competition | Date | Course | Gross | Nett | Sford |
IOW Junior Autumn Meeting 2018 H | Wednesday 24th October 2018 | Shanklin & Sandown | 69 + 4 holes | 24 | |
IOW Junior League S'ford H | Sunday 7th October 2018 | Westridge | 70 + 1 hole | 39 | |
IOW Junior Stableford (S&S) H | Sunday 1st July 2018 | Shanklin & Sandown | 41 + 8 holes | 23 | |
IOW Junior League S'ford H | Sunday 3rd June 2018 | Cowes | 78 + 1 hole | 37 | |
IOW Junior League S'ford H | Sunday 20th May 2018 | Newport (IOW) | 63 + 5 holes | 22 | |
IOW Junior League Stableford H | Sunday 8th October 2017 | Osborne | 82 + 2 holes | 27 | |
IOW Junior Champs (Osborne) Round 1 H | Friday 1st September 2017 | Osborne | 91 | 71 |   |
IWJG NQ Stableford | Friday 1st September 2017 | Osborne | 42 + 10 holes | 14 | |
IOW Development Tour - Shanklin and Sandown H | Sunday 2nd July 2017 | Shanklin & Sandown | 80 + 2 holes | 32 | |
IOW Junior Masters - Westridge - Stableford H | Saturday 1st July 2017 | Westridge | 77 | 44 | |
IOW Development Tour - Freshwater H | Sunday 4th June 2017 | Freshwater | 81 + 2 holes | 31 |